Here’s our latest flyer. A big thank you to Yak over for putting it together for us. Feel free to circulate, share on social media, print out, etc. Thanks
Here’s our latest flyer. A big thank you to Yak over for putting it together for us. Feel free to circulate, share on social media, print out, etc. Thanks
The Sir Philip Game Centre and the Timebridge Community Centre have been working together to bring The Aftermath Dislocation Principle (ADP) Riot Tour by James Cauty to Croydon. ADP was re-branded as The Model Village and installed in Banksy’s Dismaland in Weston Super Mare in 2015. The British artist James Cauty was the co-founder of The KLF and The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu and had a string of global top ten hits.
The ADP Riot Tour is an experimental artwork touring sites of historic rioting in the UK. ADP will be at the Timebridge Community Centre in New Addington, Croydon from the 28th November to 5th December.
Friday 2nd December the Community Centre will be hosting an open evening for members of the public along with it’s regular Youth Club. This is a FREE event.
Further details can be found at
Click for Press Release
ADP RIOT TOUR TRAILER V 2 from jimmy cauty on Vimeo.
This summer the Jimmy Asher Foundation present Multi Activity Holiday Camp, 2015 at SPG.
Monday 10th – Friday 14th August
Monday 17th – Friday 21th August
Monday 24th – Friday 28th August
£75 full week
£55 3 days
£20 per day
9.15am – 3.30 pm
Late collection Fun Club: 3.30pm – 5.30pm for £15
07875 310 782
South Croydon Table Tennis Club are pleased to invite you to come and take part in our FREE table tennis sessions.
Every Wednesday from 5.30pm until 6.30pm
Age group: 13- 25 yrs.
For further details contact Robin Faulkner on 07889 648925
The 7th Annual Reunion of the ’50s Boys will be held on Monday 18th May 2015, at The Orchard Pub, Cherry Orchard Road, East Croydon, at 12 noon. For those who want to eat there is a menu.
Paul Nihill will be arranging a raffle as per normal. If you have any small items you want to get rid of, please donate them to the raffle.
If any of you have photographs from the last reunion or from before, bring them along or let Paul Nihill know.
Please bring along your loved ones, friends and any former athletes you may know to support this Anniversary; the more the merrier.
For further details email
Have you ever felt you’d like to take a bash at a policeman? There is one place in the world where you can do so and get away with it, at The Sir Philip Game Boys Club. Check out the British Pathé newsreel.